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Su Misura
Prodotto Fatto a Mano

Giacca su misura

Abiti su misura

Cappotti su misura
Bespoke Jacket
-Standard Line-
130,000 JPY〜150,000JPY
(Main Price Range/Tax included)
-Exclusive Line-
Mostly Hand Sewn
180,000 JPY〜200,000JPY
(Main Price Range/Tax included)
Bespoke Suits
-Standard Line-
160,000 JPY〜180,000JPY
(Main Price Range/Tax included)
-Exclusive Line-
Mostly Hand Sewn
240,000 JPY〜260,000JPY
(Main Price Range/Tax included)
Bespoke Overcoat
-Standard Line-
180,000 JPY〜200,000JPY
(Main Price Range/Tax included)
-Exclusive Line-
Mostly Hand Sewn
280,000 JPY〜300,000JPY
(Main Price Range/Tax included)

Camicie su misura
Bespoke Shirts
-Standard Line-
20,000 JPY〜
(Tax included)
-Exclusive Line-
Mostly Hand Sewn
30,000 JPY〜
(Tax included)

Scarpe su misura
Bespoke Shoes
-Roberto Ugolini-
Price on Asking

Scarpe su misura
Bespoke Shoes
Koji Suzuki
Price on Asking
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